NotFair 2023

8 – 13 December 2023

333 Malvern Road, South Yarra VIC 3141


Melody Woodnutt

Melody Woodnutt is a descendant of the pirate Blackjack Woodnutt and has rambled around the world before landing in Naarm/Melbourne, Australia in 2018. She spent eight of her formative artistic years living in a remote Icelandic village lusting after extreme nature. The primary conceptual drive for Woodnutt’s artworks rests upon two ideas: landscape as character and the nature-culture symbiosis. This often cross-pollinates internal emotional landscapes with external environmental, cosmic, or socio-political landscapes to create short poetic and personal allegories. Woodnutt works primarily within the expanded field of 16mm analogue moving image film. Artworks take form as large-scale immersive installations, expanded cinema, short 16mm films, or printed photographic film stills. Woodnutt’s films are often made from an eco feminist and alchemical feminist position as default (alongside bio-art’s concept of “witches in labs”). She is currently an exhibiting member of Artist Film Workshop - an ARI and film lab for analogue small gauge film. Over time, her ideas have been supported by Arts Queensland, Youth Arts Queensland, Menningarráð Norðurlands Vestra (Iceland), Vaxtarsamnigur Norðurlands Vestra (Iceland), Rannis Innovation+Research Triennial Funding (Iceland), and Kulturkontakt Nord (Baltic/Nordic EU).



Of Hedon House (Leather Tassel Whip) 2023. 16mm film print in lightbox. 13 x 13 cm.


Celestial Velvet 2023. 16mm analogue film projection, sound. Installation. Dimensions variable