[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Mali Moir is a professional artist working in the Accurate Realism style specialising in natural science subjects. A botanical artist employed at the National Herbarium of Victoria contributing drawings for scientific publications, Moir has a long exhibition career receiving numerous art awards. She teaches botanical and natural history art at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.

Moir’s field experiences include Expedition Artist on Our Planet Revisited PNG with the French Natural History Museum and Wilson’s Prom Bioscan Survey with Museum Victoria. In Australia, she continues to lead Beckler’s Botanical Bounty, a project encompassing art, science, history and country. Moir works with a keen interest in the artistic interpretation of natural history themes, dedicating her skills to combine a fascination for science and environment with a desire to render works of art with beauty, character and scientific integrity. Moir abides by her sincere belief that “artists make science visible.” [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]