[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“To some, my palette is representative of 1980s Americana –of pink Barbie dolls driving blue Mustangs, MTV, Miami’s neon signs –and, as a child of the era, I certainly can’t escape my penchant for these hyper-realistic worlds that I looked at with awe in my youth in far-off Australia,” Kate Ballis admits. “And then there’s something spiritual about the work, too, in that it makes the unseen visible. I am interested in energy and the way it can make us feel, affect our mood, and through this mode of photography, I can help to make that more visible. That, to me, is a most exciting combination of science and magic.” Ballis is a fine art photographer based in Melbourne, Australia. Her work explores the themes of seeing the unseen and she is frequently traveling to destinations that already feel otherworldly, and making them seem even more foreign to the earth we know.  In her Infra Realism series, Ballis creates unique, colour-drenched images using infrared technology. Ballis came to a full-time art career after studying Arts and Law at the University of Melbourne and practicing as a media and entertainment lawyer while moonlighting as a photographer. Ballis’ work has been exhibited in solo and group shows throughout Melbourne, Sydney, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Miami, and at art fairs across Europe

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